Pink Insulation

Pink insulation is one of the most common insulation materials. Insulation materials have been around for a long time. This type of insulation was originally developed in the late 1800′s although it did not really come on the market until the 1930′s and was not used in most new construction until the late 1940′s.

The very first kind of this insulation was made from asbestos. It was not realized until the 1980′s that asbestos was potentially a health hazard as a matter of fact it has been linked to lung cancer. Asbestos has not been used in the manufacturing of this insulation since the 1980′s.

The newer material is “angel hair” which is thin spun fiberglass and poses no health risks but does have to be treated carefully when handled.

Before This Insulation

Before this insulation was developed people used rags and newspapers to clog up the gaps in their home to try to maintain the inside climate. Clearly it was not the best option but it was better than no option.

The only problem with these early conservation efforts was that these materials were extremely flammable. One rogue ember from the fireplace or a spark from outdoors and there was a very good chance that the house would burn to the ground!

Ultimately people have always worked to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Luckily today it is easier than ever to protect the interior of your home from exterior climate elements and keep your home comfortable year round.

Today’s Material

This type of insulation is style among the most popular. There are situations when this insulation is really the only option you have. When you have large spaces that need to be filled than roll out insulation is the best choice.

This material has improved with time, it is denser, easier to work with and provides a high level or protection from the outside climate. It can easily help to reduce utility costs from heating and cooling!

Professional Installation

It is necessary that you use a professional to install this type of installation because it can be a great irritant when not using the proper tools and protective equipment. Professional installation will save you a lot of stress and aggravation.

Installing this material on your own is hazardous to your health! Once installed it is completely safe and will provide your home with the blanket of protection it deserves from the elements!